How to Give an Expert Tarot Reading Online or Offline

You can give an expert tarot reading online by following these simple suggestions. Photo by tamaki
When it comes to tarot cards, a tarot reading online or face-to-face is more than just knowing what each card means. Although it is important to understand each tarot card spread and each individual card. It is also important to learn how to trust in your natural instincts when giving a tarot reading. With a little patience and these easy steps you will be able to give a great tarot card reading online or offline! Just remember that practice makes perfect so make sure you practice these suggestions as often as possible so that they become natural to you. If you can’t practice with someone face-to-face, try practicing by giving a tarot reading online using Skype or Facetime or offering a absolutely free psychic reading.
Knowing Your Tarot deck Before A Tarot Reading Online
Before you have given your first reading it is important to know your tarot deck. This will help you have a better understanding of your cards and will help you feel more comfortable with your deck. It is important for you to understand each one of your cards and how they relate to other cards. Being unprepared with your cards can show when you are giving tarot reading. Always become as familiar with your deck as possible and take extra time with a new Tarot Deck before doing a tarot reading online with it.
Preparing A Peaceful Environment for Your Tarot Reading Online
Next, by preparing a peaceful environment, it will help you stay in tune too what the cards are saying during a reading. T he environment that you are doing the tarot reading in can greatly effect the reader as well as the one receiving the reading. It is also important to clear your mind of all outside influences in order to give an accurate reading. The place in which you choose to read should be comfortable for both you and the one receiving the reading. This peaceful environment that you create will help you stay focused and make a more enjoyable experience for the one you are reading for. Candles can also be lit to help your create a more effective mood for the tarot reading online if they can see you through video chat.
Shuffling The Cards During a Tarot Reading Online

Preparing A Peaceful Environment for Your Tarot Reading Online. Photo by SanFranAnnie
When it comes to shuffling the cards during a tarot reading online there are a few different ways that it can be done. Before the reading the one who is getting the reading will actually touch the cards. Although there are actual some tarot readers who do not want anyone touching their cards. If you allow the inquirer to touch your cards it is important for them to concentrate on the question that they have while they are shuffling. By staying focused while shuffling it will help them transfer that energy onto the cards. There is also a certain way of cutting the deck depending on the preference of the reader. One of the most popular methods is to have the inquire cut the deck 3 times with their left hand before handing the cards over to the reader.
In a Tarot Reading Online, Choosing The Right Tarot Spread Is Important
Tarot spreads are laid out in various patterns depending on which reading you are doing. Each tarot spread is used to interpret a reading. Each card is placed in a certain position that will help complete the reading and will also relate to the other cards in the spread. With these certain combinations you will be able to complete a reading. It is important to choose a spread that relates to the question that is being asked by the one who you are reading for. This will help give them an accurate reading while it will also help you answer any question they may have. It is also possible to come up with your on method and spread that may work better in certain situations that are not as common. This may help you give a more accurate reading for certain individuals.
Select A Signifier Card for Each Tarot Reading Online
The signifier card is the card that you will choose to represent the person that you are reading for. This card can be chosen as a personal representation of the person or a representation of their current situation. The court cards are often chosen that have a similar look to the person that is getting a reading or the card may be chosen that has the same astrological sign as the person. If their current situation is of a serious nature you may even choose from the major or minor arcana cards. The major arcana cards will represent a serious situation in a tarot reading online. As the minor arcana cards will represent more of a common situation. The signifier card also helps you to stay focused on the person while you are giving them a reading. This card is often centrally located in correspondence with the other cards.
Framing The Question During a Tarot Reading Online
Finally, depending on how the inquirer asks the question will also influence how the cards can be read. If the question is to vague it may be hard to come up with an answer to their question. If they are more specific in their question it may be easier to answer. If they leave the question open ended it can actually reveal more of what is going on in their life that they may not have been aware of. With an open ended question you may be able to discover some very interesting aspects that may have been hidden. This works especially well during a tarot reading online if the person cannot see you through video chat.
Hopefully, the easy steps above will help you to become a better tarot reader and allow you to excel at giving both face-to-face readings and readings online. Remember, these should not be just steps. You should integrate these into your normal ritual or reading practice. Only then, when these steps are second nature will you be able to give an expert tarot reading online whenever called upon!
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