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Myths About Psychic Powers Revealed!

Myths About Psychic Powers Revealed!

psychic powers psychic abilities psychics by Foenix

The reality of psychic powers is often very different than that portrayed on TV, in movies or in comic books. Photo by Foenix

If you watch enough movies or television about people with psychic powers you begin to believe that these people can perform amazing feats on command. You almost expect to see objects flying around the room whenever you are around or see a psychic with extremely developed psychic powers like in the current TV show The Tomorrow People. Those of us with real psychic abilities or psychic powers know that life is nothing like movies such as the X-Men or Chronicle. Therefore, we have developed this list of 5 common myths that people think all psychics are capable of. Hopefully, this will put to rest the most common myth – that we can teleport, which doesn’t even make the list of psychic powers myths – although trust me, I wish I could teleport most days!.

Myth or Reality – If a person with psychic powers receives a message, and gives it to you, that whatever the message is, it is going to happen – no matter what you do or don’t do

The reality is that  no one is destined to do any specific thing – psychic powers or not. Any information a psychic receives about you has to do with your current path in life. By changing the course of your life you can effectively change what happens in your future. This could mean that you will not experience what the psychic said would happen.

 Psychics know everything about you, from the foods you eat right down to the brand of under garments you wear – Fact or Fiction?

psychic abilities psychic powers psychic reading by PrincessFroglips

Another common myth is that all those with psychic powers can communicate with the dead. Photo by PrincessFroglips

The truth is, if a psychic spent a lot of hours and energy trying to find out such mundane facts about you during a psychic readings online for free, it would be a personal waste of their time and psychic powers. Receiving energy from the spirits takes little effort when the spirit wants to tell you something. Trying to find more specific details that the spirit is not looking for takes a ton of energy. It just doesn’t make sense to expend that much energy to determine such trivial things about someone.  So no, the psychic sitting across from you or the online psychic you’re speaking to DOESN’T know what sort of underwear you’re wearing – if you’re wearing any at all!

Science has never been able to prove that true psychic powers exist

This is only partly true. Science has not been able to measure psychic powers in any way that would be 100% accurate. Some things can be reproduced, by not with enough accuracy to be sure of its truth. Some scientists have seen enough to know that something is happening, just that they cannot always scientifically reproduce those results. The number of scientists studying these abilities continues to grow. It is only a matter of time before they develop a new technique that will allow them to accurately measure these powers.

Myth: All those with psychic powers read tarot cards

Reality: A lot of psychics do read tarot cards, a lot of psychics do not. There are many psychics who work exclusively with one or more of the Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) powers such as Clairaudience, Clairsentience or Clairvoyance and never read tarot cards. There are some psychics who exclusively use tarot cards, and some of these psychics learned to read tarot cards mainly because their customers preferred having their cards read over any other psychic reading.

People with Psychic Powers communicate with the dead, and this is where they get all their information

Some do and some don’t. There is a lot of misinformation on what is meant by “communicating with dead people”. Not many people know that the majority of Spirit Guides were alive at one point in time, but have chosen to become a guide to help living people. Most people have no problem understanding communication with Spirit Guides. There are also some psychics who can communicate with a specific person or people who have passed on. However, not every psychic has (or wants) this special ability.

Hopefully, you have a better understanding of some of the more common myths surrounding those with psychic abilities.  Remember, TV and movies are fiction.  They portray things is romanticized, stereotypical ways to make the movie interesting and attract viewers.  The reality of most things is much more mundane and that includes psychic powers.  While there are people out there with amazing abilities, the reality of having psychic powers isn’t nearly as fantastical as it is often portrayed.

Click Here to Get a Psychic Reading from Someone with REAL Psychic Powers


Psychics, Shamans & Mysticism

Psychics, Shamans & Mysticism

shamans native american psychic powers Martintoy

Some believe that native american shamans have a sort of psychic power. Photo by Martintoy

Although some people may believe that psychic powers or even shamans do not exist, not everyone does. There are still plenty of people that do believe in psychic powers. These beliefs may vary depending on what type of culture a certain individual belongs too.  Some believe in medicine men or shamans, but don’t believe in so called psychic powers.  But how different are they really? Unfortunately there may even be some people who are afraid that shamans or others may have some sort of special psychic ability. Those people may feel uncomfortable that another person may know personal things about them. While there are also people who simply do not believe that psychic powers exist at all. Although there are others who find psychic powers and the other things that shamans can do amazing.

Are Shamans Born with Special Abilities?

When it comes to psychics some are actually born that way or have actually inherited the power. While others learned to develop their psychic powers. A vast majority of psychics do not know exactly where their ability has come from and they do not exactly understand everything about their psychic ability. Although they may not fully understand their ability they do know that their psychic powers gives them the ability to see into the future as well as the past. They also have a better understanding of an individuals present circumstances.

What is ESP?  Do Shamans Have It?

This is called ESP or better known as extra sensory perception. ESP allows a person to have an extra sensory other than the five basic senses. With this ability they are able to see more than those who have not developed this ability. They are either naturally born this way or have had training to develop their psychic powers. It has not been determined how many individuals posses this ability. Although it is estimated that only a small percent actually have it. This could be due to the fact that many people are unaware that they have psychic powers or have not had training when it comes to developing these abilities. Some people may even be aware of their ability but may simply dismiss it as being intuition.

Fake Shamans and Psychics

shamans psychic abilities psychic powers by las - initially

Psychic powers like telekinesis are sometimes thought of as being possessed by shamans, but anyone can have the ability. Photo by las – initially

There is also another group of people who have learned to pretend that they do have psychic abilities in order to make money. These type of people may actually work as tarot card or phone readers. Although there is not usually any harm done as most people who seek these types of readings are only looking to be entertained. Unfortunately there have been some occasions when people were taken advantage of by these type of people.

Real Shamans and Psychics vs the Fakes

Fortunately there are many psychics out there that actually use their real psychic powers. These types of psychics work with the police department in helping solve crimes. These types of psychics have become a great asset to the community while taking violent criminals off of the street. When it comes to your thoughts on your own psychic abilities how exactly do you feel? If you are quick to say that you do not have any psychic powers you may want to take some time. According to most legitimate psychics they believe that the majority of people actually have at least one psychic ability. They believe that most people are unaware that they have an ability because they have never allowed there ability to surfaces. Without proper training or education when it comes to psychic abilities most people will not be able to use them. Nor will they believe that they have an ability.

Do Shamans and Other Psychics Need Training?

With an educational intervention it is believed that all people can unleash their psychic ability by receiving psychic training. For those who are interested in psychic training it can be accomplished by first clearing your mind of all negativity. By learning how to use deep meditation, relaxation, positive thinking, and removing negative thought patterns can help you too develop your psychic abilities. This can also give you more positive results when it comes to your psychic training. When it comes to negativity and fear it can be your worst enemy not only in everyday life but especially when it comes to developing your psychic powers. Meditation is used by various people for various reasons. Some people may use it too improve their health while helping them learn too relax. While others will use meditation to help develop their psychic powers. Either way meditation may help anyone open up the possibilities of having psychic abilities.

Meditation should be done in a quite place that allows you to focus without being disturbed by outside influences. Those students that are more advanced often meditate outside in order to have the full effect of meditation. During psychic training it is important to add meditation too your daily activities. Meditation should be practiced daily in order to keep your mind focused. By missing as little as one day of meditation it can stop you from advancing in the development of your psychic ability.

Why Shamans are Always Meditating

It is important to use deep breathing meditation techniques. This will help you get rid of negative energy and tension. By using deep breathing techniques it can help you reveal your psychic powers. During these exercise it will vary between each individual when their psychic abilities are revealed. This will depend on each person and once their psychic powers are revealed they will be ready to move on to the next phase. Those who are in the developmental stages of their psychic ability often use tarot cards to improve their new skills. You can have fun with this new ability by offering free tarot card readings too family and friends. This will help you learn more about your psychic powers as well as help you develop how to use them properly like true shamans.

Psychic Mediums vs Spiritual Mediums – What Is the Main Difference?

Psychic Mediums vs Spiritual Mediums – What Is the Main Difference?

psychic mediums psychics mediums spiritual mediums by ColorblindRain

Seance’s are usually performed by spiritual mediums rather than psychic mediums. Photo by ColorblindRain

Psychics, telephone psychics, psychic mediums, spiritual mediums, live psychics, clairvoyants, online psychic readings, psychic mediums, psychic readers, the online world is flooded with mediums and psychics. What is the difference between them all? Is there even a difference?  Many people assume there is only one type of psychic and that they can do everything – palm reading, tarot reading, psychic reading and even speaking with the dead.  But is that the case?  Are psychic mediums lumped in with all the other psychics?

Psychic Mediums and Clairvoyance

Many people believe that once they discover their gift of clairsentience, or clairvoyance, they are able to label themselves as psychic mediums or spiritual mediums. However, such gifts are better thought of as tools that psychics and psychic mediums use to do their work. For example, a saw and a hammer are both tools used by carpenters. Simply owning these tools does not make you into a carpenter. Similarly, merely having the tools of clairvoyance does not automatically turn you into a psychic medium or spiritual medium.  So what are the tools and what do they do?

Psychic Readers

spiritual mediums psychic mediums psychic clairvoyant by horizontal-integration

Certain things can only be performed by spiritual mediums, while other things can only be performed by psychic mediums. Photo by horizontal.integration

While there are notable cases of people who gain psychic gifts after a traumatic experience or incident, they are not born with the ability to be a spiritual medium. Although they have become more spiritually aware, they still do not have the innate gifts of mediumship – which is what psychic mediums have. They may become psychic and claim to be a psychic medium, but they do not know that this is not the same as being able to commune with the dead. True spiritual mediums come into the world with the gift of communicating with the spirit world.

Psychic or Spiritual Medium

Only recently have psychic mediums come into being – or at least, been referred to as psychic mediums. Before, there were mediums or psychics. Commonly, mediums have been associated with the spiritualist movement and are called spiritual mediums, spiritist mediums, spiritualist mediums, or spirit mediums. These names all refer to the same thing. It used to be easy because a medium was a medium and a psychic was a psychic. Over time psychic mediums have popped up. This is hard to understand since a psychic or reader is completely different from being a medium.

Do not contact a psychic medium if you wish to commune with a dead loved one. Instead, find a spiritual medium since they are gifted to do so. The internet contains thousands of psychic mediums, spiritual mediums, and psychics. Unfortunately, my experience shows that 98% of these people claiming to be able to connect with the dead are not able to back up their advertising. I challenge any online spiritual medium or psychic medium to provide proof that they can in fact communicate with MY loved ones specifically.

Psychics or Psychic Mediums?

If you are wondering which is better, it depends on what you need. Generally if you wish to link with a deceased loved one then you should seek out a spiritual medium. If you need to find a missing item or person then a psychic would be best for you.  Luckily there are many psychic site out there that offer all psychic services.  They usually have a list of psychics and their abilities so that you can choose the type of psychic that suits you needs, be it tarot readers, psychics, palm readers or psychic mediums!

Click Here to Speak with REAL Psychic Mediums Now

Do Psychics Get a Bum Rap?

Do Psychics Get a Bum Rap?

psychic reader psychic readers psychics by Pammie76

Do psychics and psychic readers get a bum rap? Photo by Pammie76

When it comes to psychics, they often get a negative review. If you are familiar with me than you know I work hard to help change that negative view that is out there. I have often times discussed these negative views in my articles. it is important for me to get the point across when it comes to what a psychic should do. It is also important that a stress the fact of what psychic readings can do for a person and how a person can benefit from a reading.

Learning About Psychics

The best concept that I have come across is, as a psychic advisor I have learned that we are all here to learn something. We are all here to learn and evolve when it comes to our souls. When psychics are working for you it is their job to guide you in the right direction while teaching you certain aspects about yourself. their advice that they offer should be beneficial to your well being. Since we are often times so deeply involved in our everyday activities we often do not take the time to look outside of ourselves to get a clear picture of what our lives actually mean. That is where a psychic comes in and is able to clarify what is going on in your life that you may be unaware of. A psychic with a highly developed psychic ability will actually be able to tell you how you can improve your life conditions. They can also seem like a trusted friend who cares about things that will make you happy.

Discovering the Path that Psychics Must Take

When I finally found my true path it became my mission to use my talents. I realized my true talents and practiced to become more aware of the higher consciousness that surrounds me. I don’t actually label myself as a psychic. I simply feel it is my job to help others. As a psychic it is not my job to judge but too simply help those who need guidance. When a reading is being done it is the energy that is felt that determines each outcome. The energy is already there and not something that psychic creates. A psychic is in tune with this energy and able to interpret what it means. As an advisor I am able to counsel the one receiving a reading and give them words of advice. All while making them aware of certain signs that they are unaware of. It is also important to know that not every energy that is felt is set in stone as often the future can change course by certain actions. These actions can change everything when it comes to psychics.

Psychics Who Guide You

People often need to be guided in order to find their way. Psychics can help you open up to life’s possibilities while teaching about certain aspects of life. They will teach you that you have free will and can actually change your life around. By using their services you can also be taught to realize that you are not a victim of circumstances but a control of your own destiny. A psychic can give you the insight that is needed in order for you to have a successful life.

With that being said what you can experience from using a psychic can vary. First it is important to figure out what you plan on getting out of a psychic. Second it is important to find the psychic that can help you with your quest. Unfortunately not all psychics are created equally. It will take some time to find the psychic that is right for you. This article will help you find what you are looking for in a psychic and what benefits you can receive by enlisting the reading of a professional psychic.

Know Your Psychics – Different Psychics Have Different Areas Of Expertise

There are psychics out there that will claim to be 100% authentic. They will make the statement that they are 100% accurate all the time. They may also claim to be psychics, astrologers, reiki masters, tarot readers, mediums, and crystal ball readers. It is impossible to be all things to everyone and anyone who would make this statement is not authentic. These types of psychics are not professional nor do they have the morals to be the type of psychic that you are seeking. A professional psychic will actually be honest with what they can do. they will also be clear with what they can not do. Depending on what type of psychic you need and for what it is important to find the right one. If you need to speak with a loved one who has crossed over it is important to find a medium that is capable of that type of service. It is also important to know that not all psychics are mediums. Some psychics are clairvoyants and see visions while others have different abilities that help them see. While other psychics are capable of having two abilities it is uncommon for them to be experts in more then two areas.

Different Psychics have Different Methods

Your psychic may be a clairvoyant, an empathetic, a telepathic, a medium, a clairaudient, a tarot reader, rune stone reader, numerologist, I Ching, or an astrologist. They will be able to use their natural gifts that can be helpful to you. When they are doing your reading they will use these elements to helps you get an accurate reading. Certain elements work like tools to the psychic. Depending on the information you need it will be important to choose a psychic with the area of expertise that you are needing advice in. It is also important to never judge what a certain psychic uses to help guide their reading. Since spiritual gifts come in different forms. Every psychic will be different. When it comes to mastering psychic ability it is an extreme discipline that will work differently in each individual psychic.
Some Common Pitfalls To Watch Out For

When it comes to using certain psychics they may not be able to always help you with everything. This is where it is important to know who you are calling on. If there is certain information that you would like to know make sure you are calling one who can answer those questions for you. Although there are several people out there who have psychic ability it does not mean they will be able to help you if they are not trained in your specific needs. It is important to find one who is an expert in your specific needs. This will help keep you from being disappointed when you do not get the answers that you seek.

Although a certain psychics may be able to see certain things about you that are true does not mean that they will be able to help you in every area. There are of course those that can do remote viewing and it is important that this is actually what you are seeking. When it comes to those who are inexperienced with getting a reading they will tend to believe everything they here. It is important to keep an open mind but also be a bit skeptical. Let them prove to you what it is they know and can do.

An empathetic will be able to feel your emotions and your thoughts. They can read your thoughts. A psychic is clairvoyant that can see your past, present, and future. When it comes to different types of psychics they will have different abilities. These skill levels will also vary when it comes to watch each individual psychic can do.

At the beginning levels a psychic that is not properly trained may not be able to help you. It is with years of practice and discipline that will give them the solid ground that they need in order to give you the best reading possible. The more experienced they are the more they will be able to give you the answers you seek. If they are professional and authentic they will be able to guide you in the right direction while giving sound advice. A true psychic is their to help you and will never take advantage of the situation that will make you dependent upon them. Nor will they make you believe that they are the only ones who can give you answers and solve your problems.

What Psychics Are Not Telling You

A psychic is not telling you decisions you should make. If they are it would be wise to move on and find someone else to do your readings. A reading should make you feel positive and should not give you a negative feeling. It is not the responsibility for a psychic to tell you about a death. This is not their job. They will not do spells for you or help you curse others. A real psychic knows better than to mess with karma. they will not do certain favors or make certain thing happen in your favor. If a psychic offers to do certain energy work for you it may be in your best interest to walk away. This can be a scam and will result in you loosing money. At the same time it result in nothing being done to improve your life.

It is important to know the psychic that you are dealing with and keep your mind clear. Ask question in order to learn more about your psychic. This will help you have enjoyable experience. While it will also help you by staying away from a negative experience and an unhealthy psychic reading. At the end of the day it is also important to remember that only God has the answers and is 100% right all the time. If anyone makes claims that they are 100% right all the time in their predictions this is not the type psychics that you need.